How to reheat your bread?麵包加熱與保存
- 法式布里歐肉桂捲 Brioche a la canelle
- AOP莊園巧克力可頌 Pain au Chocolat
- 焦糖阿曼可頌 Kouign amann
- 冷凍保存兩週內食用完畢,加熱前請於室溫解凍20分鐘。Avoid storing bread in the refrigerator. Let the bread come to room temperature for about 20 mins before reheat in the oven.
- 溫控烤箱以150度烤8-10分鐘,小烤箱烤約6-8分鐘,
- 頂部少於10公分烤箱請覆蓋鋁箔紙避免燒焦。烤箱火力和溫度視家中設備而作調整。
- 出爐前輕壓產品側面確認柔軟再取出,稍微冷卻後食用小心燙口。then pop in the oven for 8-10 minutes at 160 degrees for a warm revitalized loaf.